Click on any link above to get started browsing our collection of handmade soap,
see what will be coming soon, even see how easy it is to find
what you need to make your own beauty products!


October 17- We recently participated in the MMS "Simply Botanicals" Swap and it was a BLAST!
Check our blog for a look and the products and goodies we received, and what we thought of them!
I have now also changed the soap descriptions to reflect the proper size and cost as described on Etsy.

October 7- Working on updating this page so that all the product links will link to Etsy.
Also checking compatability with other browsers and resolutions.
If you have any feedback please feel free to e-mail me. :-)

May 7- Our blog post about yogurt soap won one of two first place prizes awarded by
MMS in their Blog contest!
Special thanks to Andee and the MMS blog team!
Check out Andee's entry to see all the winners- there were a lot of fun ideas posted!

April 30- Added a Making Yogurt Soap entry to our Blogger page!
Look for it on the products page at the end of May!

{ Read all news at our Blogger page }

©2009-11 CanfieldFive, Canfield Crafts
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